Welcome to Dom’s Drafts where we ponder pints and life. In the words of Samuel L. Jackson, “Hang onto your butts”, as we take a ride on the highway of flavor and hopefully avoid Thelma and Louise-ing everything. No promises.

Deep River Marzen
Just take a big breath in and you can smell the crisp fall air! Oktoberfest is in the air…wait…It finished up three weeks ago? That can’t be right, it’s just now getting into mid-October. College football is being played on Tuesdays. The Michigan vs Michigan State game is this weekend. But it’s finally getting cool out!!! No way, baby! We’re keeping that party going!!! And Deep River Brewing in Johnston County NC agrees!!! So we’re grabbing their Marzen beer! A deliciously Carmel Amber Lager that hits better than a PSL. It is indeed best enjoyed with friends, in steins, with oompah music and at long wooden tables.
Marzen – German Oktoberfest – 5.8%
The night is full of possibilities and games as we… wait… the games were earlier in the day? Oh well! Looks like we’re getting beer in a full stein though, baby! Huh…oh, so not a full stein? It’s a pint stein? Imperial or…oh just American. Who cares! Just gonna have to have more of them! When was this beer brewed? They say that the first Marzen was made by lagering stored beer from March to September and then drinking it. Something about it being illegal to brew in the summer months. Yeah, this party feels just like a wedding reception! Of course we need some of our own games! I challenge you to a tree climbing competition. Highest up the tree wins! Well how about a swing competition over near the playground? No? How about bowling? Furriest hat? Deal! Time to find some hair for my hat. Then its on to team chicken dancing. Now where is that prince Ludwig? He loves all this arts and crafts stuff and I hear he has a mean chicken dance…
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